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“It was such a pleasure having you in our class on Monday. The students truly enjoyed having you speak to them. Comments:

  • extremely informative

  • good to know all that "stuff"

  • sucks to be an adult

  • she knows her stuff

The students were very impressed with the information and the means in which it was delivered.  Extremely very student friendly. Thank you for taking the time to speak with them.”

         Marisa Rigato, Teacher

“Thank you so much for your workshop today! It was thoroughly engaging. All the classes enjoyed it and learned a great deal.”


         Marla Skelhorne, Teacher

“Thanks so much for the lesson today, it was engaged and informative! The kids were so proud of their skits and ads!”


         Jaskiran Takhar, Teacher

“Last night was amazing. Thanks so much. I think I speak for all that the information provided was valuable and useful.”


           Lex Mitchell – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“Parents enjoyed the workshop and the children liked to be involved too.  The activity with the children went well.  Parents liked having that time away from them to hear tips and possible solutions to introduce to their children …  The workshop was well attended.  The Principal and Vice Principal were impressed with the workshop.”


            Sonja Gascoyne - attendee & organizer of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“Very informative! Wish I knew this when I was younger. Definitely things to keep in mind with my own children.”

            Kareshma Patel – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“I was expecting this to be very boring, but the information was presented in a way that was engaging and memorable”

            Darek B., student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

“I found workshops very useful. I learned a lot and I had a ton of fun. This was absolutely amazing and I wouldn’t change anything.”

            Emma Z., student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

“This is wonderful!  Thank you for communicating what you have discussed with the kids during the session.  I will definitely be including J in more conversations like this over the coming weeks as we prepare our fact, maybe he can help me organize some of the paperwork!”

            Katharine Weinwurm – parent of a student who attended lunch time financial literacy workshop

"I really liked the workshop. It provided a comprehensive overview of how to become financially secure and offered some great suggestions on how to start teaching kids financial literacy at a young age. I’m now going to provide my 4 and 6 year old an allowance..."

            Brian Kriter, attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“Very informative. Really helped start a dialogue about allowance in my home.”

            Monica Riopelle – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

"The kids really enjoyed the presentation and were very engaged and wanting to participate. I find it was very well done, interactive and covered several important aspects of our ever changing world.  All my feedback is great and I also mentioned to the Principal how I was pleased with your presentation!"

           David Matueszswska, Teacher

"Thank you so much for the relatable and heartfelt workshop. The youth really enjoyed it and were talking about it long after you left. It really got their brains processing. I especially liked how you spoke highly about apprenticeship work, they needed to hear that segment and I was glad you touched on it. Especially since a few students go to a trade school and some were feeling a little less for learning a trade. I look forward to having you back for another great workshop."

            Nerissa Craig, Toronto Public Library, Youth Hub Coordinator

“Thank you for teaching us about financial literacy. We learned lots. The role play was awesome.”

            Robert Currie, Teacher

“The lessons we had were really useful and very interesting. The course really helped me understand money and the teacher was amazing and very kind.”

            Andrea, student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

“The lessons were explained very nicely and helped me learn about business.”

            Yohaan, student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

"Extremely educational. Really good guidance for parents to help kids."

            Lester, attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“Thanks so much for the opportunity for D to learn about financial management. She has clearly been benefiting from the course. I love how she tells us about what she learned in your class every week! I certainly hope you will continue to offer the course at Allan A. Martin P.S. so that more kids can learn …

Again, thank you! 

            Miranda So – parent of a student who attended lunch time financial literacy workshop

“Excellent workshop. Covered a lot of ground. Did well.”


             Jaan Pill – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“Very useful. Very essential education for all children and adults too. Keep up the good work!”


             Renita Lobo – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“I have received very positive feedback about your workshop. The teens were engaged and there was a high level of participation. You spoke of successful people that the teens are familiar with and you got them excited to think of money - how to save money, budgeting, and to avoid falling into debt. Even my volunteers (George Brown and YorkU student placements) had really enjoyed your workshop. Thank you and thank you for your ongoing partnership with Toronto Public Library and especially with youth hubs!”


              Jessica Lin Zhang, Toronto Public Library, Youth Hub Coordinator

“I thought it was great!  The kids were really engaged and excited about it.  I like the way you used real life examples to demonstrate the difference between appearing "rich" and actually being "wealthy".” 


              Amy Sycamore, Teacher

"I thought you did a great job incorporating elements of the Media Literacy strand into the presentation. Showing the commercials and advertisements allowed the students to identify ways in which they are being persuaded to purchase items in their life. I also like the "Wants vs. Needs" activity. Having the students working with a budget ... was something that had them compare prices and determine how they should spend their money."


              Andrea Giannone, Teacher

“The teachers thought the presentation was good.  They found the topic relevant and important for the students.  The students seemed to enjoy the presentation.  As part of the curriculum they have a life project where they have to pick a job, a family structure, a home, etc. and cost out how they will live on a certain income.  It is very eye opening for many of the students.  This presentation fit perfectly into this project.”

                Virginia Elizondo, Principal


The following email was sent to us by Tara Marr, Parent Council member of Hazel McCallion Public School in Mississauga and attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy.


The Parent Council conducted an exit survey subsequent to Dinarii Parent & Child Workshop. Here is what they said:


Hi Maya,

“Please see attached exit survey results.  I think you will be pleased!”


  • Based on the sign-in sheets we had 37 families in attendance, of which, 29 completed the survey (78%).

  • That figure breaks down into 40 parents and 39 children, or 79 attendees.

  • 98% rated the overall experience, presenter rating, and content rating, as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’.

  • 97% definitely found the material presented relevant to their child.

  • 97% definitely found the workshop to be a fun and engaging way for their child to learn financial literacy skills.

  • 100% definitely felt that learning these financial literacy skills/tools will be of benefit to their child.

  • 100% definitely plan on encouraging their child to practice the financial literacy strategies discussed.

  • 97% definitely felt the workshop was a positive and engaging way for them to connect with their child.

Event Comments:

- Great job. Very informative.

- Well worth the time to attend.

- Well done!

- Presentation was interactive, engaging and very effective.  Greatly appreciate it!

- My son enjoyed it.  Will open up the discussion!

- Very informative and engaging.

- Great speaker. Very engaging.

- My son enjoyed this as well.  Thank you!

- I will try some of the suggestions for allowance and investing with my kids.

- This is the first of its kind that I have attended and I am so glad I did.  Thank you for organizing.


"Thank you, once again, for coming in to spend time with my class. The students enjoyed their time with you and I could tell that they were engaged and eager to share their responses. The elements of Media Literacy that you covered (e.g., ads and commercials) were very appropriate for this grade level and linked well with the grade 4 and 5 curriculum."


                   Jacklyn Bertran, Teacher

"Good overview of key issues we as parents need to think of when teaching kids about money."

                   Jovan Cvejic - attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy.

“Thank you so much for your time yesterday. The children were so engaged in the activity. I really loved the party planning activity. I am going to file that away to use with my class next year.”


                    Karen Freeman, Teacher

“I found the lessons very useful. Not only was it useful, it was also fun.”

                    Ashely R., student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

“Now I know more about money and banking.”

                     Victor L., student attendee of lunch time financial literacy workshop

“The workshop was very helpful and educational.”

                     Nesha Randeen – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

“It was very informative and gave many examples of how to teach children financial literacy. Maya was able to give real life examples, which are helpful teaching tools. Great job!”

                      Gabriela Castillo – attendee of workshop for parents on How to Teach Kids & Youth Financial Literacy

"Thank you again for such an excellent presentation. It was awesome to work with you!"

                     Suzanne Fernando, Toronto Public Library (on How To Teach Kids Financial Literacy webinar for parents)

"Thank you for your informative workshops! The feedback we have gotten from students has been positive and they feel they have learned a lot."


                       Sierra Pellizzari, Focus on Youth Program Lead, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board 

"I really enjoyed your financial workshops! They were awesome and easy to understand. The kids loved them too! I definitely learned a few things."


                      Emily Lackie, Teacher 

113 Lakeshore Rd. West, Suite 6, Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5H 1E9

© 2021 by Dinarii Financial Education Academy

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